Subcontractor Solicitation & Procurement

​Subcontractor Solicitation & Procurement
A successful construction project depends on a collaborative team approach and our sub-contractors are an integral part of our project teams. Early in the construction life cycle, we ensure our sub-contractors have a thorough knowledge of the project drawings, specifica-tions, codes, milestones etc., so that the team clearly understands how your work will be performed and how you will execute this work in order to enhance the team’s success.
We are committed to creating value for all stakeholders. The principles of sustainable development – value creation, sustainable environmental performance and corporate social responsibility are integral to our busi-ness strategy.
Our approach to sustainable development includes how we work with our Subcontractors and Suppliers.
We seek to engage in long-term relationships with Subcontractors and Suppliers who are committed to our principles of sustainable development. Our goal is to partner with Subcontractors and Suppliers who demon-strate the same level of service we provide for our customers.